WattsOn & WattsOn-Mark II Re-calibration / Re-certification Period and Requirements

Periodic Re-calibration / Re-certification periods may be mandated in specific projects.  It is the role of the client to understand the requirements in their end applications.

Elkor Technologies Inc. recommends that the client first contact the data monitoring company or installer that installed the meter.  The WattsOn metering family (including WattsOn-Mark II) meter is typically a component of a larger system, and this company may have a specific strategy for to address these requirements.

The permanently installed nature of the WattsOn creates a few challenges for consideration regarding periodic recalibration.  Unlike portable or lab equipment, it is intended for continuous operation.  As with utility meters, periodic calibration is typically not done.  If absolutely required, Elkor Technologies Inc. recommends a re-certification period of 5 years.

A few options for consideration:

  1. Remove the unit, and send it back to Elkor for re-certification.  The factory service cost depends on specific requirements and quantities.  The client must factor in the costs involved with removing, re-installing and shipping the meter back and forth.  Additionally, there is the downtime involved if the meter is removed.  Re-certification takes 3-4 business days after receiving the meter.

  2. Purchase another identical meter to swap out in rotation.  This strategy saves a site visit, and any downtime involved.  The removed meter may be sent for recalibration just prior to replacing the in-service meter.  This strategy must be closely coordinated with the data monitoring company, so that the serial numbers and energy accumulation data stays in sync.

  3. Hire an independent energy audit company to do an in-field audit of the meter.  There are a few in-field methods that may be used to achieve this (namely, by using the on-board WattsOn pulse outputs, and/or the Modbus data of the accumulated energy).  This is the least invasive method, but likely the costliest.  Portable field instruments are expensive, and require experienced personnel, typically done by a third-part company.  Elkor doesn't specifically recommend any companies, however, Radian Research (http://www.radianresearch.com/) manufactures this type of equipment and may be able to suggest energy audit companies that can perform this work.  It is important to note that the field calibration equipment must be at least two times the accuracy rating of the application for this strategy to be effective.


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Date added:
2015-01-20 17:36:20